- 25,000+ hours of direct client care as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
- Author of First and Best Selling E-book: “Break Free From the Affair.”
Once a Cheater,
Always a Cheater?
10 Facts You MUST Know
Register for your FREE Download and learn…
- How to speed up the healing
- How to reconnect without reacting
- How to free your mind from the thoughts and images
- How to get your cheating spouse’s positive attention
- The keys to feeling much better in the next 48 hours
- Know how long the affair will last
- Discovery how hidden meaning promotes recovery
- How to put a cold blanket on the affair
- Learn the TRUTH about infidelity
- Learn why the affair has nothing to do with love or your marriage
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- 25,000+ hours of direct client care as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
- Author of First and Best Selling E-book: “Break Free From the Affair.”
What Others Say…
I think i just had my “bing” moment!! Oh my gravy, Dr. Bob it all makes perfect sense now. I mean i know the work isn’t done, not by a far stretch, but after reading this i felt a sudden calm fall over me that ive never experienced!! Suddenly I can breathe!!! THANK YOU FROM BOTTOM OF MY LESS ACHING HEART!! THANK YOU!!!
This is my deep heartfelt appreciation for all the assistance and empowerment you helped with. I agree with you when you say ” the affair might have been the best thing in marriage.
It’s been about 4 weeks since D-Day for me and I am crying tears of pain and joy. I just ready your manual and I am thankful to have someone else say I am not responsible for my spouse’s betrayal. It’s hard to believe but I keep telling that to myself. I am going to re-read it many times.
I have felt like a hamster, trapped in a wheel, going around and around through despair, anger, confusion; wondering how this could have happened, what I did wrong, what to do next etc…I have purchased your book Break Free From the Affair and I call it my Bible. Your material is just fantastic and you will never know how much you have helped me through this terrible painful time.
This knowledge helped to saved my marriage . Much grateful.
Bob——-I want to thank you for your emails and your wisdom. My wife has really stepped up to the plate and we have been making great progress. I believe we are going to take our marriage to the next level.
Learning About the Types of Affairs
- Coping with Infidelity: Knowledge of Types of Affairs Gives Power
- Sign of Affair: I Fell Out of Love…and just love being in love
How to Cope with Infidelity While Practicing Self Care