Infidelity and the End of Sue’s Crying Jag

The Infidelity Tears and Crying Jag Ended for Sue

In one of the most powerful coaching tapes in the Live Infidelity Coaching Tape Series by Dr. Huizenga, Sue’s journey and process through the pain and fear is poignantly explored. Sue describes the end of her crying Jag and the feeling of permanent and immediate relief.

In another tape series Dr. Huizenga explores with Becky the problem in meeting the needs of her cheating husband.

Infidelity and Pain: Discover Exactly how Sue Catapulted Through her 3-Week Crying Jag and Meltdown

Sue participated in one of my Laser Coaching Sessions. There’s a story behind how I met Sue and the circumstances of this session. Rather comical in some ways. Perhaps by “divine intervention” in other ways.

Sue discovered her husband’s affair about 7 months ago. They talk regularly and she states he is growing tremendously. However he continues to live with the OP, although says he considers leaving.

Sue felt the deep pain for the first 6 months and then about 6 weeks ago had a “break through.” The pain was replaced with confident and positive feelings.

I’m not going into more detail here. I’ve edited some segments from the coaching session just for you and they are available online. I’ll give you the url in a minute.

Know that these two snippets of audio are worth gold. Sue, eloquently, passionately and with a deep feeling of joy relates the HUGE shifts in her infidelity journey over the past half year or so.

These two tapes partially cover territory such as:

  • Your Hurdles Scream at You: Your Life will NEVER be the Same
  • Sue’s Fabulous Four Strategies for Breaking Through the Wall of Pain and a 180° Shift in Feelings
  • Courage to Face the Crud
  • Other Nuggets

Turn up your speakers. Listen carefully to Sue. Take notes if that would help. Let her words sink into you and rumble around for a while.

Now go to:

You will be glad you did!

How “meeting his needs” backfired and Becky’s first attempts to problemize and target the truth – her last gasp

Becky’s life is turned upside down.

She feels the deep pain and the heaviness of the possibility of losing her family, her beautiful house, her financial security and a peaceful life for her daughter.

Her husband admits to the affair that started over the internet and is laced with in-your-face sexuality.

Becky has worked hard to meet his needs, avoid conflict and placate him with the hope she could win him back. Confronting him with the “truth” elicited strong anger and criticism of her.

Becky believed she was facing the “I fell out of love and just love being in love” type of affair.

Coaching shifted the focus to the “I Don’t Want to Say No” type. This was predicated on situational factors and not long term personality patterns. Becky considered problemizing as a strategy while charging neutral.

How in the world will my partner and I restore the trust back into our relationship?

I recommend another resource to help you cope with infidelity. One of my online colleagues, Dr. Frank Gunzburg, offers a wealth of information that compliments Break Free From the Affair.

Dr. Gunzburg has done an amazing job of breaking down all
the steps that both the injured, the cheater and then the
couple need to go through if they want to heal their relationship.

He’s got 3 specific phases that he encourages his readers to go through and you can start the program even if your spouse isn’t willing.

You can read about Frank’s great material by using this link:
Please click for Frank’s great material

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