To Tell or Not to Tell….That is the Question

If you’ve struggled with whether or not to talk to friends about the details of your infidelity crisis, you might want to read this feedback I received from one of my readers. After opening up to a select group of friends, this person was pleasantly surprised at the positive, supportive responses she received. Here is what she had to say about opening up to friends about her unfaithful husband:

“I am a person who holds everything most intimate inside and has a bit of a shame to talk to even old friends about the bad sides of my life. The biggest change for me was that I told a few of my friends what had happened and I was surprised how great their response was. One immediately shared the story of herself and her long-term boyfriend, the other listened to me and only tried to calm me down for weeks and months, without being patronizing or offering her opinion, the third urged me to think before I decide for divorce. Choose wisely the people you talk to, but do find someone, there will be a grain of balance in you almost immediately! I found Dr. Huizenga’s site a week after I found out about the affair and it was great to have this material too. None of my friends were at all judgemental, which made my husband somewhat ashamed and he showed more respect for me because of how good my friends were.”

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